Hi, my name is Tatum. I bet some of you know who I am, because I'm your niece, (or cousin). So today I'm going to tell you a little about me. I'm a... wheelie poppin', hip-hop lockin', basketball droppin', lady. Well, I'm sure you got a little suprised when you heard that! That's just the beginning. But, I'll take my time and tell you about the, "wheelie poppin'" thing. It was around my birthday time, and I was about to turn nine. My parents paid for me to do a triathalon, and I was training with a pretty sucky five-year-old bike. So as an early birthday present, I got a new mountain bike. The brand is a "Giant." It has shocks, and gears. When my mom and my brothers and me picked the bike up, the guy there, that gave us the bike, gave me a free wheelie lesson. I was pretty bad, but he told me just to keep trying at home. So I did, and I got a little better. I kept getting better and better, and now I can pop a wheelie on lots of bikes. Even BMX bikes.
Okay, "hip-hop lockin.'" I used to do a class for hip-hop, but then I finished it and now I don't do it anymore. But that doesn't stop me from still practicing the shopping cart at eleven o'clock every night!

Alright, "basketball droppin,,'" well... I've always loved basketball, and I play it with the boys at my school like, every day at recces. I also was on the YMCA Suns team for a few months. So, that's pretty much all about my favorite hobbies. I also like to play catch in my front yard throwing a football to my dad. My favorite color is dark purple. :)