Sunday, April 1, 2012

Unique Family

Hey guys! I hope you liked my last post on ME! I hope you know what the shopping cart is, that dance move I was telling you about in my last post, because, it's like an 80's type of dance. But for real guys, I don't really get up at eleven o' clock at night to practice the shopping cart. Okay, this post is going to be on, my family. Because some of you might not know me and my family very well so, here's your perfectly good answer. I'll start with the sweet demons, Dane, and Crew:

                   So, those are my two brothers, Dane, and Crew.  As you can see, Dane has a hair problem, and he needs to work on his, smile. Crew, on the other hand, you might not think there's anything wrong with him, but you just haven't seen how he acts. Lots of the time he runs around doing cutie pie things, but he is also a crazy nut job too--ready to bite or hit at any moment! When I showed Dane, and Crew what I had written so far, Crew who had apparently looked at Dane's hair problem picture said, "Eh, Dane hair eh creepy." But, they are sweet brothers. I can't finish this post part on my brothers without saying that. :)

Now to my parents. My perfectly normal parents.


        My parents are great, friendly, and nice. Yes, do you not see that? Sorry, I'm just jokin' around. Not much to say anymore exept for, I HAVE A UNIQUE FAMILY!


    P.S My parents names are Porter and Lana.

Friday, March 30, 2012


   Hi, my name is Tatum. I bet some of you know who I am, because I'm your niece, (or cousin).  So today I'm going to tell you a little about me. I'm a... wheelie poppin', hip-hop lockin', basketball droppin', lady. Well, I'm sure you got a little suprised when you heard that! That's just the beginning. But, I'll take my time and tell you about the, "wheelie poppin'" thing. It was around my birthday time, and I was about to turn nine. My parents paid for me to do a triathalon, and I was training with a pretty sucky five-year-old bike. So as an early birthday present, I got a new mountain bike. The brand is a "Giant." It has shocks, and gears. When my mom and my brothers and me picked the bike up, the guy there, that gave us the bike, gave me a free wheelie lesson. I was pretty bad, but he told me just to keep trying at home.  So I did, and I got a little better. I kept getting better and better, and now I can pop a wheelie on lots of bikes. Even BMX bikes.
   Okay, "hip-hop lockin.'" I used to do a class for hip-hop, but then I finished it and now I don't do it anymore. But that doesn't stop me from still practicing the shopping cart at eleven o'clock every night!
   Alright, "basketball droppin,,'" well... I've always loved basketball, and I play it with the boys at my school like, every day at recces. I also was on the YMCA Suns team for a few months. So, that's pretty much all about my favorite hobbies. I also like to play catch in my front yard throwing a football to my dad.  My favorite color is dark purple. :)